#DrArikanaChihomboriQuao #ADDI #Oduwacoin #TIMTV #Africandiaspora #AfricanDiasporaDevelopmentInstitute #Voice #PeopleOfAfricanDescent #PanAfricancryptocurrency #mamaAfrica #Africa #motherAfrica #BrightEnabulele #CharlesAnchang, #Wakandaonecityofreturntradeexpo #CapeCoastGhana
Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer of ADDI, Her Excellency Arikana Chihombori Quao MD is a medical doctor. Dr. Arikana beyond being a prolific physician has demonstrated stellar pan African leadership in her role as the Founder of the African Diaspora Development Institute. She has stood out as one of the most powerful voices for the liberation of people of African descent from mental and economic enslavement especially despite being released from her role as the A U Ambassador to the American Diaspora. She and her team at the ADDI are consistently building a constructive movement bridging and empowering people of African descent. Through her leadership and team effort, many people of African descent are more informed of their history and are today forging strategies to change the narrative.