#AfricanAfricanAmericantension,#BlackinAmerica, #TIMTVvoiceofimmigrants, #NekoSparks, #USBlackContributions ,#AfricanAmericanResponsestoImmigration, #IMPactwithPamelaAnchang
· 👉Film Producer, Designer, and Entrepreneur Neko Sparks is an Award-Winning Director with extensive knowledge and experience in the entertainment industry, technology, and fashion.
A highly efficient, results driven and capable business executive with a proven entrepreneurial and creative streak, Mr. Sparks enjoys developing and partnering with early stage tech driven companies in creative industries and bringing them to market. From his fledging international luxury-clothing brand Aleeci to producing films with the likes of Legendary Pictures cofounder Scott Mednick and Zoe Kravitz via his company iSparked Studios he revels in putting his creative stamp on the world.