Arlando Mba comes to terms with her identity through introspection and deep thinking. She encourages us to find true meaning in ourselves and not in the careless comments of others.
The Immigrant Experience, Editor’s Corner , Pamela Asobo Anchang

Arlando Mba
The decision to immigrate to another country is an overwhelming experience for adults and is typically fraught with the impending financial, legal and social hurdles to consider. While adults wrestle with integration at all levels, the children born into immigrant families are often overlooked and more often than is reported, face intense cultural, social, or emotional turmoil brought on by their cultural background.
For most children born of American parents, the concept of being different may relate to sexuality, religion, race, or social status. For children born of immigrant parents it is all of the above and more as seen in this TEDx Talk given by Ms. Arlando Mba, a young UCLA student born to Cameroonian parents both of whom are well educated and considered your typical middle class family. In this talk, Arlando like many children born to immigrant parents navigates the intricacies of her identity.