Channel will launch signature show FRANK TALK
The Immigrant Magazine is happy to announce the birth of its new online video platform on its YouTube channel TIM TV Hollywood. Created by The immigrant Magazine Inc., the mission of TIM TV Hollywood is to provide a digital platform that provides programs that explore the lifestyles and experiences of immigrants in America today. Topics will include: Immigration, education, career, entertainment, travel, family, culture, parenting, profiles of immigrant achievers, famous immigrants and celebrities etc.
Inclusive of the diversity that represents the fabric of America today, TIM TV Hollywood will not only change the way America perceives immigrants, but also provide a new perspective on American entertainment today.
Kick-starting this platform is the birth of its signature show, FRANK TALK exploring the lifestyles of immigrant celebrities, celebrating immigrant successes and discussing immigrant-pressing matters.
Our team at FRANK TALK is grateful for your support and invites you to join us in celebrating our first interviews with immigrant success stories from Europe and Africa. Be sure to tune in and join us on this journey as we embark on this new terrain that without doubt though challenging is sure to be exciting for you and everyone at Frank Talk on TIM TV Hollywood.
We encourage you to send us topics and comments to explore as one big family. Thanks for your unwavering support for the past ten years of The Immigrant Magazine and we can assure you that you will be proud of all our collective growth as immigrants with a common bond- a place we can call our own!
Hosted by Pamela Asobo Anchang, editor and founder of The Immigrant Magazine, FRANK TALK On TIM TV Hollywood will make its debut in August 2014 with an interview celebrating the life of a phenomenal immigrant mother, actress and singer! Tune in to discover our mystery guest and share in her vision and success!
For information about TIM TV Hollywood and Frank Talk please email us at