Magazine, The Immigrant Experience
Have you filled out your Census form yet?
The federal government of the United States allocates funding for communities resident in the US based on Census data reflective of the ethnicities of resident cities and counties. Based on the census information gathered when disasters such as Covid 19 or other disasters happen, the amount of budget allocated is based on the demographics of the residents in the district, city or county. It is therefore very important for the census information to be inclusive of all the different ethnicities residing in the US.
When African and Caribbean immigrants completed the census forms in the past as black people, it did not specify their origins which dilutes the amount of resources that could be allocated to black Americans. This 2020 Census is bringing a much-needed change. The reason why is that black Americans and black Africans and Caribbean immigrants usually do not need the same resources and do not always reside in the same communities.
For the very first time in American history, black immigrants have been given the opportunity to specify their country of origin on the census forms. This has been a very contentious matter in the past with black immigrants. Unlike other immigrant demographics like the Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Japanese, Pilipino, Latinos etc…who have been privileged with the opportunity to have this distinction, black immigrants have not had the opportunity to identify by their country of origin.
Also not specifying the origins of the different black ethnic groups reduces Federal resources sent to black America in general. One of the reasons why now Covid 19 is killing more black Americans is because of lack of proper resources from the federal government for solutions to black America. All black immigrants irrespective of their immigration status must make sure they mention their country of origin while completing the Census 2020 forms. This is a great opportunity for black America to prove they have considerable numbers in the US and create a gateway for more resources to come to their communities.
The Immigrant Magazine supports BAJI’s efforts to bring awareness to the 2020 Census and its representation for all black immigrants living in the USA.
Here is a call to action from BAJI-Black Alliance For Just Immigration
Have you filled out your Census form yet? Please do it today, it only takes a few minutes! Everybody counts including undocumented immigrants and immigrants on temporary status.
The #2020Census will help determine the amount of federal dollars allocated in medical resources that are critical to the health of our communities.
As Black immigrants you can self-identify as Black AND as Black of [country of origin] descent.