One of the most alarming phenomena in the world of sports is the use of steroids among young athletes as well. Today, kids, coaches, and even parents face tremendous pressure when it comes to the performance of the child in the chosen fields of sports.
The idea behind the use of these steroids is to build stronger muscles that also have more endurance. The good news is that if you are able to provide enough protein for kid athletes, the need for steroids may not arise at all. Young athletes have the ability to repair and recover faster when the body is given the right type of fuel.
Why Should You Provide Protein For Kid Athletes?
Every parent of a young athlete understands the intensity of training that they undergo. With the immense strain on the body ample protein for kid athletes are extremely important for the following reasons:
- Better muscle growth: For optimum athletic performance, your child should have well-developed muscles. The most important nutrient for muscles is protein. After all, muscles are nothing but long chains of amino acids. When your child consumes enough protein each day, the amino acids are used up efficiently to build new muscle fiber. As a result, the volume, as well as the strength of the muscles, improve steadily.
- Faster recovery: The amino acid chains, as mentioned above, also act as fuel for all muscle activity. When your child trains, these amino acids are used up. In addition to this, there are also minute tears in the muscles that can only be repaired with amino acids. When there is an ample supply of protein for kid athletes, the muscles have the resources that they need to repair themselves faster. The advantages of this include better muscle growth and reduced soreness of the muscles as well.
- More endurance: Products like Gritzo’s Supermilk for Young Athletes 8-12 years provide various sources of protein for the body. This includes a combination of fast and slow digested protein. The fast-digesting protein provides an instant source of fuel while the slow-digesting ones help in recovery after training. When you are choosing a protein for kid athletes, choosing a variety of sources builds more endurance and helps the child sustain long hours of training.
- Improved performance: Better muscle quality translates into speed, endurance, and strength. This is what artificial steroids are expected to achieve. You can avoid all the health issues caused by these artificial steroids by simply fulfilling your child’s daily required protein intake. With a consistent supply of nutrients, muscles don’t get tired easily. They also do not feel sore and stiff the next day. This helps your little one only improve his or her skills without facing any physical setbacks.
Signs of Inadequate Protein Consumption
But how can you tell if the amount of protein for kid athletes that you are providing is good enough? Watch out for these signs which indicate that your child needs more protein intake:
- He or she gets tired quickly because the muscles run out of fuel.
- Your child constantly complains about muscles feeling sore. He or she indicates issues like being unable to move the limbs after intense training. This means that the muscles are not recovering fast enough. Muscle soreness in young athletes is inevitable, of course. However, if you find that the soreness is prolonged, you may want to reassess your child’s protein intake.
- You do not see any physical improvement despite hours of training. Of course, there are several other genetic and physiological factors that contribute to this. However, the first step is to improve nutrition to see results like faster muscle growth and development. If you still find that your child is not improving, it is recommended that you consult a health expert.
How To Fulfil Your Child’s Protein Needs?
The first step is to understand how much protein for kid athletes you should provide. The basic thumb rule is 1g of protein per kilogram of body weight. However, the approximate protein requirement for young adults is as follows:
- 4-9 years – 10g of protein per day
- 9-13 years – 34g of protein per day
- 14-18 years – 52g of protein per day for boys and 46g of protein per day for girls.
There are different options available for you to fulfill your child’s protein needs:
- Vegetarian sources: Options like lentils, legumes, nuts, peas, quinoa, soy, chia seeds, and green leafy vegetables are an ideal source of protein for vegetarians. Dairy products like milk, cheese, and paneer are suitable sources as well. With vegetarian protein for kid athletes, you need to provide a larger quantity per day to fulfill the daily required intake.
- Non-vegetarian sources: Non- vegetarian sources of protein like fish, chicken, and eggs are the best sources. They have higher content per serving. This is why it is highly recommended for young athletes.
- Protein drinks: For homes that are vegan or vegetarian, fulfilling the protein intake through the diet alone is a challenge. It is also difficult to make sure that your child has eaten well enough, especially during training. Protein drinks like Gritzo Supermilk Teen Athletes 13+ years are ideal for young athletes for several reasons:
- The protein content in these drinks is age-appropriate.
- There are additional nutrients like calcium, vitamins, and minerals that help in growth and performance.
- Your child has a single, reliable protein source.
- They are tasty and come in flavours like chocolate that kids love.
- They can be consumed on the go on busy training days and in the competition season.
- The varied protein sources optimize absorption and utilization of the nutrients.
If you are a parent of a young athlete, remember that steroids are absolutely unnecessary. They have several negative effects on the child’s health in the long run. If you want to see your child excel in sports and athletics, all you have to do is choose the right kind of nutrition, ensure consistent training, and allow ample rest.