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LEAVING A LEGACY, Multi-award-winning Hollywood director makes movies about successful immigrants and non-immigrants

LEAVING A LEGACY, Multi-award-winning Hollywood director makes movies about successful immigrants

Klaudia Kovacs is a highly accomplished Hungarian-American Film Director who has created a LEGACY DOCUMENTARY series for those who want their lives and achievements to be commemorated. If you secretly hope a film will be made about you, read on to find out how to see your own name on the silver screen.

Oscar-contender and multi-award-winning Filmmaker, Klaudia Kovacs

Magazine, Entertainment, Making Money


Immigrant Magazine (IM): How did you get the idea to tell the stories of successful immigrants?

Klaudia Kovacs (KK): It all started when I was directing my Oscar-competitor “Best Documentary” film, Torn from the Flag. I shot 90 hours of fascinating interviews for this eight-time award-winning film, which was presented in front of the United States Congress. The subjects’ accounts were mesmerizing, their lives engaging, and I became convinced that there was interest out there for these inspiring stories to be told.


KK: LEGACY DOCUMENTARIES are created as a film-legacy for any entity—individuals, families, companies, non-profits, artists, geographic regions, schools, etc.—that understands the power of a 30- to 60-minute movie focused on paying homage to and celebrating the accomplishments of the film’s “star.”

IM: What’s the wait time if you want a documentary to be made about you?

KK: That’s the beauty of the process: there is no need for you to wait for someone to “discover” your amazing story and then spend years standing by while a producer is trying to get the picture made. With LEGACY DOCUMENTARIES, you put yourself in a position of power to decide how your story is being told and when you want to get started.

IM: Can you talk about the look of these documentaries?

KK: Beautifully-crafted, quality LEGACY DOCUMENTARY films are not to be confused with standard videos, videography, or iPhone movies. With 35 awards under my belt and the title of “Hungary’s most successful documentarian,” I guarantee a high-end product with outstanding value—a film only a professional director can make.

Klaudia Kovacs’ Accolades

IM: What makes these documentaries extra special?

KK: I personally love making movies because the stories I tell with motion pictures are not only seen by many people today, but they will also outlive me. They will inspire and empower people years after I’m gone. In the digital age, immigrants’ incredible journeys also deserve such a future, which is the real value of LEGACY DOCUMENTARIES: to live on forever.

IM: How can people make sure you’re the right director for the project?

KK: The relationship between interviewee and director is, indeed, an important one. I have interviewed many celebrities and notable figures including Henry Kissinger, Nobel Peace Prize-winning former United States Secretary of State; Otto von Habsburg, the last Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary; George Vassiliou, former President of the Republic of Cyprus; Arpad Goncz, former President of Hungary; William Taubman, Pulitzer Prize-winning Political Scientist and Author; and Mark Kramer, Historian and Program Director of Harvard University’s Project of Cold War Studies. My experience working with such high-profile individuals has helped me know how to make anyone feel comfortable. In addition, my long list of awards might be reassuring:

Interviewing Otto von Habsburg, the Archduke of Austria, the last Crown Prince of Austria-Hungary


IM: What are the additional benefits of having a LEGACY DOCUMENTARY made?

KK: LEGACY DOCUMENTARIES are fundamentally created for two reasons: to leave a legacy or to use the film for PR purposes. The latter is especially true for bigger entities or businesses. Once you have your own LEGACY DOCUMENTARY completed, you can show it to news outlets, book publishers, or broadcasters. A celebrity might decide to interview you, publish your biography, show your LEGACY DOCUMENTARY on television, or develop it into a major Hollywood picture. If you have a genuine calling to share and promote your story on a bigger scale, having a LEGACY DOCUMENTARY created is a necessary tool.

IM: Where can readers get in touch with you if they are interested having a movie made about them?

KK: The first step is to thoroughly read the LEGACY DOCUMENTARY page on my website, located here: Once they understand what this entails, they may request a free consultation with me through the same page by filling out the online questionnaire. I’m looking forward to hearing from those who are ready to sit in an upscale private theater, watch the curtain go up, and see their name on the big screen.

Filmmaker, Klaudia Kovacs’ silhouette while directing in Rome, Italy (Photo by: Zoltan Honti)

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