Nigerian-American Public Affairs Committee (NAPAC)In Collaboration With Various Nigerian Organizations Host
Nigerian Independence Day Parade & Cultural Festivities
Magazine, The Immigrant Experience
Saturday September 30th-The Nigerian-American Public Affairs Committee (NAPAC)In collaboration with various Nigerian organizations on the West Coast hosted the 57th Nigerian Independence Day Parade in the city of Carson, California. A celebration of Nigerian culture and diversity, it captured the spirit of unity among people from all ethnic, cultural or religious affiliations. Nigerians in the diaspora set aside any differences of opinions and culture and united as one people under one nation.Many witnessed the beauty and power of diversity as a reason for celebration and not division. Christians, Muslims, Yorubas, Igbos and many more united as one people to share and celebrate their common heritage. This day of national celebration was marked by a colorful parade, food vendors, raffles and great musical performances.
As a community, Nigerian immigrants in the US are one of the fastest growing immigrant demographic and have contributed enormously to many sectors of the American fabric and economy notably in areas of healthcare, education, business and creative arts. To honor these contributions were representatives from the 47th District, Assemblymember Eloise Gomez Reyes and Field Representative Darrell Frye, who issued certificates of recognition to the leaders and community.
Guests and attendees including Sandra Izsadore, “Queen Mother of AfroBeat”, Miss Africa Bay Area, The Immigrant Magazine Publishers, Pamela and Charles Anchang and dignitaries witnessed the beauty of the Nigerian diaspora thanks to sponsors whose contributions made this day a resounding success.
One of the major sponsors was ESDIAC Global App, for international calling who gave out gifts and free minutes to attendees to call and wish loved ones back home a happy independence day! Learn more about ESDIAC Global and get your free download here.